Our Teachers

Amanda Ream

Anand Vaidya

Andrea Vecchione

Anil Thapa

Ann Uyeda

Antoinette Gonzalez

Arinna Weisman

Baruch Golden

Caverly Morgan

Cheryl Slean

Chris 'Doc' Kelley

Christian Howard

Fresh! 'Lev' White

Gene Lushtak

Geoff Ashton

Greg Morris

JD Doyle

Jeffrey Mooney

Joe Metzer

Karin Brown

Kitty Costello

Konda Mason

Liz Fitzgerald

Mareni Orduña

Mary Stancavage

Melanie DeMore

Michael Crowley

Minda Aguhob

Nichol Chase

Nils Heymann

René Rivera

Rev. Daigan Gaither

Robin Gayle

Ryan Redman

Sará King

Spiros Antonopoulos

Stephanie Tate

T (Anthony) Maes

Tara Mulay

Teague O'Malley

Todd Jordan

Toran 'Beja' Ailisheva

Tucker Peck

Vanette Cook

Walt Opie

San Francisco Dharma Collective415-404-9333sfdharmacollective@gmail.com

All classes and events are open to all. Most classes are hybrid and can be joined in person or on Zoom. Check individual class details for access information. We are supported by your generosity (dana). No one is ever turned away for lack of funds.

© 2020 San Francisco Dharma Collective

Website by Eli Pleaner 🐣