Morning Meditations
Every day
7:30am - 8:15am UTC
Join us at 2929 24th Street or online: (password: 108108)
Arriving late and leaving early is okay for morning meditations!
See individual class listings for details.
The Zoom link is: (password: 108108)
You can also dial in from a phone by calling 301-715-8592 and using Meeting ID: 545 039 806.
Join us at 2929 24th Street or online: (password: 108108)
Arriving late and leaving early is okay for morning meditations!
San Francisco Dharma Collective • 415-404-9333 •
All classes and events are open to all. Most classes are hybrid and can be joined in person or on Zoom. Check individual class details for access information. We are supported by your generosity (dana). No one is ever turned away for lack of funds.
© 2020 San Francisco Dharma Collective
Website by Eli Pleaner 🐣