Meditate with us.

The SF Dharma Collective is a community-led sangha.

SFDC creates a welcoming and inclusive space for meditation, community, and awakening through diverse teachings and practices.


☀ Entering the Cave of the Heart

How to Transform Threat into Challenge

Guest Teacher Nichol Chase leads Well of Being Wednesdays for the month of February

With a world that seems increasingly unpredictable and chaotic, we need practices that help us to be with groundlessness. The things that challenge us in life can stifle us or help us grow. When we see challenges as our teachers, they can lead to acceptance and happiness with what is. By entering the cave of the heart, we can transform threat into a healthy challenge.

Entering the Cave of the Heart

Meeting at the Intersection of Buddhism and Shamanism with Isa Gucciardi

Thursdays, 7 – 8:30 pm, February 20 / March 27 / May 1

In this series of highly experiential talks we will explore the commonalities and differences between these two powerful ancient wisdom systems and learn how we can bring the insights each provides into our daily practice. We will look at how each system brings the student into deeper forms of awareness and mastery. Each of these systems can be considered to be a psychology of wholeness and we will explore how such processes as initiation, visionary experience, dreams and dream yoga, energy medicine, vision quest, methods of engaging with transpersonal experience, and developing awareness of forms of transcendent power provide stepping stones to that sense of wholeness for each individual.

Meeting at the Intersection of Buddhism and Shamanism

Prácticas de meditación y presencia plena en español

martes, 11 de marzo de 7:00 p.m. a 8:30 p.m.

Las classes continuarán los martes una vez al mes.

La meditación y el mindfulness nos ayudan a reducir el estrés, mejorar la claridad mental y fortalecer nuestra conexión con nosotros mismos. Es un espacio para pausar el ritmo acelerado de la vida y observar, sin juicio, todo lo que surge en nuestro interior.

Esta clase de meditación está abierta a todas las personas que sientan curiosidad por reconectar con su ser interior, cultivar la calma, y encontrar equilibrio en la vida cotidiana.

meditación y presencia plena en español

Most of our classes are hybrid, and can be attended in person or online.

See individual class listings for details.

The Zoom link is: (password: 108108)

You can also dial in from a phone by calling 301-715-8592 and using Meeting ID: 545 039 806.

See here for Covid Policy and Protocols

Morning Meditations

Every day

7:30am - 8:15am UTC

Join us at 2929 24th Street or online: (password: 108108)

Arriving late and leaving early is okay for morning meditations!

Donate to the collective

The practice of dana supports our community. The SF Dharma Collective dependently originates with you.

Sustaining Donors

While the majority of donations go to support our teachers, the SFDC has monthly costs related to our space and Zoom presence. Become a monthly donor and help sustain the San Francisco Dharma Collective! Clicking on the "Donate Via Paypal or Credit Card" button above will give you the option of donating monthly via Paypal. If you'd like to donate monthly another way - by bank or Credit Card - please email

❤️ ❤️ We are sustained completely by the donations of people like you. We are a local non-profit that depends on the generosity of individuals to be able to support teachers, maintain our physical space, develop new programming, and grow our sangha. ❤️ ❤️

All donations are tax deductible. The San Francisco Dharma Collective is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization. Ask your employer about matching donations.

Events this week at SFDC

Event times have been automatically converted to local timezone

Volunteer at your SF Dharma Collective.

Everything at SFDC happens because of our wonderful volunteers. Volunteering is a powerful way to integrate your practice into the world. It can foster a sense of purpose and bring satisfaction and connect you to sangha, one of the three jewels.

Your generosity and kindness go a long way toward bringing the dharma to all.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact


May all beings be well and free of suffering

San Francisco Dharma

All classes and events are open to all. Most classes are hybrid and can be joined in person or on Zoom. Check individual class details for access information. We are supported by your generosity (dana). No one is ever turned away for lack of funds.

© 2020 San Francisco Dharma Collective

Website by Eli Pleaner 🐣