Volunteer at your SF Dharma Collective.

Everything at SFDC happens because of our wonderful volunteers. Volunteering is a powerful way to integrate your practice into the world. It can foster a sense of purpose and bring satisfaction and connect you to sangha, one of the three jewels.

SFDC invites YOU to volunteer! We are looking for volunteers to:

  • host our classes / sits / teachers
  • help with PR / Marketing / Social Media
  • support website design

Your generosity and kindness go a long way toward bringing the dharma to all.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact SFDCvolunteers@gmail.com

Why we volunteer

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I volunteer at the SFDC because I want its doors to remain open to benefit me and the community at large. SFDC offers a spiritual path and a refuge where I have found a compassionate, nonjudgmental, and loving community with whom I share similar values. I immediately connected with this sangha because many of its members have endured experiences similar to mine such as trauma of all kinds starting with their family of origin, and/or are recovering from trauma, addictions, or mental illness like depression and anxiety. There is a depth of understanding here that it’s not easy to find elsewhere. Through practical Buddhist principles taught by the many talented and knowledgeable teachers, and my meditation practice, I’ve been able to understand and transform destructive emotions such as anger into patience. I’ve also learned how to cultivate compassion for myself and others, loving-kindness, and empathetic joy. By being more mindful of my thoughts, actions, and speech, I can develop a bit more equanimity for I can choose how to respond in a challenging situation instead of react to it. As a result, my relationships have improved. For all these reasons I am happy to not only volunteer, but also to be an ambassador for SFDC, a place dear and near to my heart.

Why do you volunteer?

San Francisco Dharma Collective415-404-9333sfdharmacollective@gmail.com

All classes and sits are open to all. Check individual class details for access information. We are supported by your generosity (dana). No one is ever turned away for lack of funds.

© 2020 San Francisco Dharma Collective

Website by Eli Pleaner 🐣