Jikoji Zen Center
- Jikoji Zen Center is a jewel-box of a Soto Zen monastery. It's located next door to San José, in the foothills of Los Gatos, which are above San José. It is within the Penninsula Open Space Preserve.
- It was founded by Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi in the 1970's. Suzuki Roshi brought Kobun Roshi to the US from Eiheiji to help Suzuki Roshi start the Practice at Tassajara and more.
- Jikoji offers weekly hybrid practice opportunities as well as day-long and longer retreats/Seshins. All teachings are held on a donation basis. All are welcomed there.
- Jikoji also makes its facilities available to Insight Meditation and other Buddhist groups/teachers who hold their retreats and day-longs there.